Day 31 - Veering Off Course
I must confess I watched a DVD last weekend. It was after a long Saturday night, and rather than go home, I went over to a friend's house to watch a Hindi film. It turned out to be a bit much with all the dance numbers, zooms, jumpcuts and loud wardrobing. However I had to admire the Bollywood way of sprinkling in odd English phrases.
The end result though is that in the days since then, as I've passed my local video store, I've gotten some entertainment hunger pangs & had to deal with the urge to rent something. I employed some time-worn AA mantras (e.g., "fake it till you make it") in order to push back against the pull.
In my corner though is all this momentum of not watching. An entire month and only 1 hour of watching TV and a few videos/DVD's. Plus all the polemics against TV that I've been reading and posting here. This fundamentalist demonizing of the medium is a crude approach, but it's helped reshape my thoughts on ways to spend my time.
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